During pregnancy, pregnant women may experience various changes in the body. However, does Bumil know that there are signs that indicate danger in pregnancy? So what are the signs of danger in pregnancy that need to be aware of it? Let's look at the discussion below. Changes that occur in pregnant women often cause discomfort and body aches. Pregnant women may have wondered whether this change or pain experienced is normal or not. Therefore, pregnant women should always be aware of the various symptoms and signs of pregnancy that appear. Dangerous Signs of Pregnancy Signs that appear during pregnancy may seem mild and natural for a pregnant woman. In fact, these signs can be symptoms of a serious condition that must be treated immediately. The following are some danger signs in pregnancy: 1. Bleeding from the vagina Bleeding is said to be normal if only limited to spotting. However, if the volume of blood that comes out is quite a lot and is accompanied by a lump of tissue...