During pregnancy, pregnant women may experience various changes in the body. However, does Bumil know that there are signs that indicate danger in pregnancy? So what are the signs of danger in pregnancy that need to be aware of it? Let's look at the discussion below.
Changes that occur in pregnant women often cause discomfort and body aches. Pregnant women may have wondered whether this change or pain experienced is normal or not. Therefore, pregnant women should always be aware of the various symptoms and signs of pregnancy that appear.
Dangerous Signs of Pregnancy
Signs that appear during pregnancy may seem mild and natural for a pregnant woman. In fact, these signs can be symptoms of a serious condition that must be treated immediately. The following are some danger signs in pregnancy:1. Bleeding from the vagina
Bleeding is said to be normal if only limited to spotting. However, if the volume of blood that comes out is quite a lot and is accompanied by a lump of tissue, the condition can be a sign that a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or wine pregnancy. The bleeding needs to be watched out especially if accompanied by pain and stomach cramps.2. Contractions before the time of delivery
Normal mild contractions experienced by pregnant women in the second or third trimester, especially when pregnant women feel tired or lack of fluids. Contractions will more often occur when the estimated day of birth is getting closer. However, contractions can be a sign of danger in pregnancy if accompanied by bleeding or discharge from the vagina, premature rupture of membranes, felt stronger, and occurred before the estimated time of the baby's birth. This probably indicates that pregnant women will give birth prematurely. If pregnant women experience these symptoms, immediately go to the nearest hospital so that emergency treatment is done immediately.3. Nausea and vomiting
Both of these conditions are naturally experienced by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, if nausea and vomiting occur excessively, dehydration, electrolyte deficiency, malnutrition, and weight loss can occur. This condition is also called hyperemesis gravidarum and needs to be treated immediately by a doctor.4. The fetus is less active in moving
The fetus is less active moves can be a sign that he is sleeping or pregnant women are not aware of his movements. However, a fetus that is less active or even stops moving and does not return to normal as usual can also be a sign that he is deficient in nutrients or oxygen. If the fetal movement is less than 10 times in a period of two hours, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.5. Pain when urinating
If there is pain or pain during urination, pregnant women may suffer from urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, endometriosis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis. Immediately see a doctor the first time pregnant women feel pain when urinating.6. Headaches, swelling, and vision problems
Normal headaches occur during pregnancy, because the body will experience a surge in hormones and blood. Meanwhile, abdominal pain arises due to the uterus that continues to grow and stretch the ligaments and pelvic muscles and around the uterus. However, if these symptoms are accompanied by visual disturbances, swelling, high blood pressure, and foamy urine (a lot of protein in urine), pregnant women need to be careful, because it could be that it indicates preeclampsia.7. Fever
Fever during pregnancy is one of the complaints that must always be aware of by pregnant women. This is because the fever can be caused by an infection. Infection during pregnancy can occur due to many diseases, such as urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, typhoid fever, to infections in the membranes. Whatever the cause, the fever experienced by pregnant women is a condition that needs to be examined and treated by a doctor. If not treated, this fever can be dangerous for the health of the mother and fetus in the womb. In essence, pregnancy can make pregnant women more vulnerable to various diseases. If pregnant women experience any of the danger signs in pregnancy above, immediately consult a gynecologist to get appropriate treatment.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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